Cellulite Protocol

1 hour
How Microcurrent Therapy Can Help Reduce Cellulite

Cellulite is primarily a skin condition rather than a fat problem. It occurs when fibrous bands (septa) within the superficial fat layer of the skin shorten and harden, creating pockets that cause the characteristic dimpling effect. While men are less likely to develop cellulite due to the diagonal arrangement of their septa, women often experience it due to a vertical band structure.

Microcurrent therapy can be beneficial in addressing cellulite by:
  • Stimulating collagen production to strengthen the middle layer of connective tissue.
  • Improving circulation to help reduce fluid retention and support healthy skin.
  • Decreasing cellular inflammation, which can contribute to smoother skin appearance.
When combined with a high-quality supplement, topical products, and a healthy diet, microcurrent therapy can help enhance skin structure and support long-term results. However, it's important to note that cellulite is challenging to resolve, and consistent treatments over time are necessary for noticeable improvements.

Flexible pricing options:
$75 per session | Pre-Payment of 5 treatments $325
Payment is accepted via cash, e-transfer, or cheque.

Cancellation Policy: Kindly provide 24-hour notice for cancellations or a $25 fee will apply.

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