TMJ Protocol

45 minutes
How Microcurrent Therapy Helps TMJ Disorders

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the most used joint in the body, opening and closing up to 1,500-2,000 times a day. It’s a complex joint that combines hinge and glide actions, making it susceptible to various problems, especially following dental work or hyperextension injuries like whiplash. TMJ disorders are often linked to symptoms such as teeth grinding, jaw clenching, consistent headaches, and even tinnitus (ringing in the ears) due to muscle tension in the jaw and neck.

Microcurrent therapy offers a natural solution to relax tight muscles and reduce inflammation in the face, jaw, and neck. This approach helps relieve tension, restore proper joint function, and often delivers dramatic improvements after just one session. By promoting cellular repair and improving blood flow to the affected area, microcurrent therapy can help address the underlying causes of TMJ pain, headaches, and discomfort for longer-lasting relief.

Many times consistent headaches can be a result of TMJ problems.

Flexible pricing options:
$75 per session | Pre-Payment of 5 treatments $325
Payment is accepted via cash, e-transfer, or cheque.

Cancellation Policy: Kindly provide 24-hour notice for cancellations or a $25 fee will apply.

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