Thank you for scheduling your AO Scan session! To ensure the most accurate results, please provide the following details at least 3 days in advance of your appointment. Please use the link below to head over to my IG account and leave all the below requested details there. 

Step 1: Provide Your Information

Copy the details and update it with your information.

First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)
Height (in feet/inches or cm)
Weight (in lbs or kg)

Step 2: Submit a 10-Second Voice Note
For the best scan accuracy, please record a short voice note (approximately 10 seconds) saying:

"I am [Your Name], and I live in [Town]. I hope to [your health goal, concern, or what you want to get out of this session]."

(Example: "I am Sarah, and I live in Toronto. I hope to improve my energy levels and get relief from frequent headaches.")

Step 3: Complete Your Payment
The session fee is:

$80 for Non-Young Living Members
$60 for Current YL Members of mine
Please submit your payment via e-transfer to

Once all your information and payment is received your booking will be confirmed. If not received by 48 hours in advance your appointment will be cancelled.

Important Notes:
✔️ If possible, submit your details at least 3 days before your session.
✔️ Your session will be fully confirmed once payment and details are received.
✔️ If you need to reschedule, please notify me at least 24 hours in advance.

I am looking forward to supporting you on your wellness journey!