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Raindrop Technique

$75 for a 1-hour session

Experience Deep Healing with the Raindrop Technique

The Raindrop Technique offers a transformative experience using essential oils and a soothing touch that goes to work deep at the cellular level. This unique approach helps release tension in the body and cleanse receptor sites, promoting detoxification on physical, emotional, and mental levels. It can enhance your immune function and provide remarkable relief from pain, chronic conditions, and even autoimmune concerns.

In this treatment, eight different oils are delicately applied along your spine like falling raindrops. With a combination of light massage along the spine and the Vitaflex technique on the feet, the oils penetrate deeply to promote healing and rejuvenation. You'll also receive meridian balancing at the start of your session—a $25 value included.

Micro Current Facelift & Facial Rejuvenation

Rediscover Your Youthful Energy and Glow

Experience a holistic anti-aging treatment that can help you look up to 10-20 years younger! This unique system goes beyond the surface, addressing not only visible signs of aging—like sagging skin, dark circles, puffiness, droopy eyelids, acne, wrinkles, rosacea, scars, and sun damage—but also the root causes such as poor nutrition, lifestyle habits, and energetic imbalances. The result? Long-lasting, natural-looking rejuvenation.

This gentle, non-invasive treatment incorporates ancient wisdom with modern techniques, including:
  • Local microcurrent healing for skin and muscle support.
  • Non-needle microcurrent acupuncture to stimulate key points.
  • Energetic meridian balancing to restore your body's flow.
  • Use of therapeutic essential oils and state-of-the-art facial products.
  • Personalized diet, lifestyle, and nutritional guidance for optimal results.
There are no risks and all the benefits—you can enjoy a treatment and carry on with your day, whether heading back to work or out for the evening.

Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Protocol

$75 per session | Pre-Payment of 5 treatments $325

How Microcurrent Therapy Helps TMJ Disorders

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the most used joint in the body, opening and closing up to 1,500-2,000 times a day. It’s a complex joint that combines hinge and glide actions, making it susceptible to various problems, especially following dental work or hyperextension injuries like whiplash. TMJ disorders are often linked to symptoms such as teeth grinding, jaw clenching, consistent headaches, and even tinnitus (ringing in the ears) due to muscle tension in the jaw and neck.

Microcurrent therapy offers a natural solution to relax tight muscles and reduce inflammation in the face, jaw, and neck. This approach helps relieve tension, restore proper joint function, and often delivers dramatic improvements after just one session. By promoting cellular repair and improving blood flow to the affected area, microcurrent therapy can help address the underlying causes of TMJ pain, headaches, and discomfort for longer-lasting relief.

Many times consistent headaches can be a result of TMJ problems.
Acne & Rosacea Protocol

$75 per session | Pre-Payment of 5 treatments $325

How Microcurrent Therapy Can Help Acne and Rosacea

Microcurrent therapy is a powerful treatment for acne and rosacea, as it uses low-level electrical currents to reduce inflammation and promote tissue regeneration. The healing process is enhanced by 150% to 300%, leading to faster recovery of the skin. Sessions typically last 20-30 minutes and are performed two to three times a week, with significant improvements often noticeable after just a few treatments.

For acne, there are many contributing factors, including allergies, stress, diet (fatty foods, dairy, sugar), nutritional deficiencies, hormones, cosmetic products, certain medications, and even over-washing or using harsh products. Microcurrent therapy helps soothe the skin, reduce redness, and speed up healing, while we also work with you to identify and address the underlying causes for a more holistic approach.

Rosacea also responds exceptionally well to microcurrent therapy, with results often seen after just 3 sessions. The treatment helps calm flare-ups, reduce visible redness, and improve overall skin texture for a clearer, more balanced complexion.
Scar Protocol

$50 per session | Pre-Payment of 5 treatments $225

How Microcurrent Therapy Helps with Scar Healing

Microcurrent therapy can be highly effective in reducing the appearance of scars and improving skin texture. The best results come from treating scars early—even before they form. If you’re preparing for surgery, we can start microcurrent treatments pre-and post-surgery, including meridian balancing, to help your body heal faster and minimize scar formation.

Microcurrent therapy enhances skin tone and texture, which traditional treatments like facelift surgery don’t address. If you’re planning a surgical facelift, incorporating microcurrent therapy can significantly enhance the overall results by promoting better healing and skin quality.

For older scars and stretch marks, microcurrent, combined with supplements and topical products, can help soften the appearance, improve skin elasticity, and support tissue regeneration. It’s a natural approach that stimulates cellular repair and encourages smoother, healthier-looking skin.
Pain Protocol

$75 per session | Pre-Payment of 5 treatments $325

How Microcurrent Therapy Helps with Pain Relief

Chronic pain not only disrupts daily life but can also accelerate the aging process by up to 30 years, as shown in studies on individuals with long-term back and neck pain. Microcurrent therapy offers a promising approach to pain management and healing.

Similar to acupuncture, which has a long history of effectively relieving pain, microcurrent therapy uses gentle stimulation to promote tissue healing. By applying microcurrent to meridian points and non-invasive body and ear acupuncture points, it addresses the root causes of pain, targeting both the source of tissue damage and the pain sensation itself.

Research findings indicate:
  • 94% of patients experienced a reduction in pain during the first treatment.
  • There are no reported side effects or worsening of symptoms.
  • 88% of patients were pain-free within 10 treatments.
Microcurrent therapy provides a safe and effective way to manage pain, while also promoting healing and enhancing overall quality of life.
Cold & Flu Protocol

$25 per session | ask for family pricing

How Microcurrent Therapy Helps with Colds and Flu

Microcurrent therapy, similar to acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, can be an effective way to manage and alleviate cold and flu symptoms. Studies have shown that patients receiving acupuncture experience elevated levels of immune-enhancing hormones and improved blood counts for up to three days after treatment. This underscores the importance of seeking treatment at the first sign of cold or flu symptoms for maximum benefit.

Microcurrent therapy targets key acupuncture points to:
  • Boost the immune system, helping to prevent colds and flu.
  • Accelerate recovery from cold or flu symptoms if you're already affected.
  • Reduce chills, fever, and body aches associated with these illnesses.
The primary goal of this approach is to lessen the duration and severity of symptoms while minimizing the risk of complications. By enhancing your body's natural healing processes, microcurrent therapy can provide supportive care during cold and flu season.
Weight Loss Protocol

$50 per session | Pre-Payment of 5 treatments $225

How Microcurrent Therapy Supports Weight Loss
Microcurrent therapy can be a valuable tool for weight loss, particularly when combined with other lifestyle changes. This approach follows a three-step protocol that integrates principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine to help the body function optimally:

  1. Meridian Balancing and Acupuncture Points
    The first step involves meridian balancing and stimulating key acupuncture points to help the body function at its best. This supports overall energy balance, which is essential for effective weight management.
  2. Nutritional Support
    Proper nutrition plays a crucial role in weight loss. It can prevent the expression of unfavorable genes, meaning that even if you have a genetic predisposition for weight gain, you can control its impact through diet.
  3. Digestive System Support
    Using targeted products and protocols, microcurrent therapy can enhance digestive health, curb cravings, and support hormonal balance—key factors in weight management.
While this protocol is a powerful aid in addressing cravings, digestion, and hormonal regulation, it is not a standalone solution. Clients will still need to incorporate exercise and maintain a balanced diet for optimal results.
Cellulite Protocol

$75 per session | Pre-Payment of 5 treatments $325

How Microcurrent Therapy Can Help Reduce Cellulite

Cellulite is primarily a skin condition rather than a fat problem. It occurs when fibrous bands (septa) within the superficial fat layer of the skin shorten and harden, creating pockets that cause the characteristic dimpling effect. While men are less likely to develop cellulite due to the diagonal arrangement of their septa, women often experience it due to a vertical band structure.

Microcurrent therapy can be beneficial in addressing cellulite by:
  • Stimulating collagen production to strengthen the middle layer of connective tissue.
  • Improving circulation to help reduce fluid retention and support healthy skin.
  • Decreasing cellular inflammation, which can contribute to smoother skin appearance.
When combined with a high-quality supplement, topical products, and a healthy diet, microcurrent therapy can help enhance skin structure and support long-term results. However, it's important to note that cellulite is challenging to resolve, and consistent treatments over time are necessary for noticeable improvements.
Insomnia Protocol

$50 per session | Pre-Payment of 5 treatments $225

How Microcurrent Therapy Can Improve Sleep

Achieving optimal sleep is crucial for slowing down the aging process and maintaining a youthful appearance. Quality sleep involves both REM and non-REM phases, with non-REM sleep being essential for the body's healing and repair. Unfortunately, as we age, the amount of deep non-REM sleep naturally decreases, which reduces the body’s ability to recover and rejuvenate.

Microcurrent therapy can help by:
  • Enhancing relaxation and promoting a balanced nervous system, making it easier to transition into deeper stages of sleep.
  • Stimulating key acupuncture points associated with sleep regulation and stress reduction.
  • Improving circulation and reducing muscle tension, which can help alleviate discomfort that might disrupt sleep.
When the body achieves better quality sleep, it leads to improved hormone balance, better metabolism, and more efficient cellular repair. This can help mitigate the risks associated with sleep deprivation, such as:
  • Increased risk of obesity due to impaired sugar metabolism and hormonal imbalances affecting hunger and fullness.
  • Higher likelihood of heart attack, stroke, and depression from consistently getting less than 6 hours of sleep.
  • An elevated risk of early death by 26% in men and 21% in women when sleeping less than 7 hours per night.
Microcurrent therapy offers a natural approach to improving sleep quality, leading to better overall health and vitality.

Stop Smoking Protocol

$50 per session | Pre-Payment of 5 treatments $225

How Microcurrent Therapy Can Help You Stop Smoking

Microcurrent therapy, when combined with acupuncture principles, has shown a 90% success rate in helping people overcome smoking addiction, based on a study of 2,200 individuals over three years. The treatment addresses both the physical and emotional components of addiction, with heavier smokers often experiencing results faster than casual smokers due to stronger physical dependence.

How Smoking Affects the Body:
  • Accelerates aging, causing loose skin, age spots, and increased risk of carcinoma and psoriasis.
  • Slows down wound healing and decreases oxygen and blood flow to tissues.
  • Leads to repetitive facial expressions, creating smoker’s lines around the lips.
  • Reduces skin moisture, depletes vitamin C levels (each cigarette uses about 35mg of vitamin C), and places additional stress on the liver.
Microcurrent therapy works by:
  • Stimulating acupuncture points linked to addiction management helps to reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms.
  • Improving blood flow and oxygenation, aids in detoxification and tissue repair.
  • Supporting the body’s natural healing processes, accelerating the recovery of damaged tissues.
For best results, we also provide at-home recommendations to complement the treatment. While quitting smoking is challenging, microcurrent therapy offers a natural, effective approach to help you succeed.

Meridian Balancing

$25 per session

What is Meridian Balancing?

Meridian Balancing is a holistic therapy designed to support the body's Autonomic Nervous System (ANS), which functions as a control system to maintain homeostasis. By helping the body achieve balance, this treatment enhances overall well-being and can address various health concerns.
Using a Microcurrent machine, we measure the energy flow of each meridian point on the fingers and toes. Non-needle acupressure, paired with gentle microcurrent stimulation that mimics the body's own natural electrical energy, is then applied to specific points. This process stimulates the meridians and brings the body back into balance, promoting a healthy healing environment for all body systems.
Benefits of Meridian Balancing:
  • Can boost energy levels, improve sleep quality, and enhance overall wellness.
  • Supports the body in harmonizing internal functions, potentially resolving unrelated health issues by restoring balance.
  • Helps the body naturally achieve homeostasis, its optimal state of equilibrium.
Recommended Frequency:
  • For general health: Monthly or with seasonal changes.
  • During high stress, illness, or injury: Weekly sessions.
  • For chronic conditions: Every 1 to 2 weeks.
  • For acute conditions: Every 24 to 48 hours.
By regularly engaging in Meridian Balancing, you can give your body a boost in maintaining natural health and vitality.

Decollete | Hands Treatment

$15 a treatment as an add-on
$100 for 12 treatments as an add-on

Why Treat the Décolleté and Hands?

The décolleté (upper chest) and hands are some of the first areas to show signs of aging. Even if your face looks youthful, these areas can quickly reveal your age because they are frequently exposed to environmental stressors and harsh chemicals.

Reasons to focus on these areas:
  • The skin here has very little fatty tissue and fewer sebaceous glands, making it more prone to dryness and loss of elasticity.
  • It is more susceptible to developing sun spots, wrinkles, and skin discoloration due to daily exposure to UV rays and environmental pollutants.
  • These areas are often overlooked in regular skincare routines, leading to accelerated aging compared to the face.
Targeted treatments can help improve skin texture, moisture retention, and elasticity, restoring a more youthful appearance to the hands and décolleté. Taking care of these often-neglected areas will ensure a more consistent, youthful look across your skin.

Wellness Coaching & Mapping

$ no cost

If you choose to proceed with a program you will receive $10 towards your first order.

What is a Wellness Coach?
A wellness coach is someone who helps you enhance your quality of life by understanding your unique lifestyle needs and making personalized recommendations for improvement. Their goal is to empower you to take control of your health and guide you through making confident, positive changes that align with your current situation.

A wellness coach:
  • Listens to and understands your specific goals and challenges.
  • Provides tailored guidance that supports your well-being and helps you achieve a balanced lifestyle.
  • Encourages self-awareness and helps you identify practical steps toward your desired health outcomes.
By working with a wellness coach, you gain the support and tools needed to make meaningful changes, allowing you to take proactive steps for a healthier, more fulfilling life.