Real Life Results

Eyebrow Lift

Reduced Puffiness and Fine Lines

Improved Complexion

Reduced Wrinkles & Crows Feet

6 Treatments                                      

Neck: Skin tighter, jawline more defined.
Forehead: Smoother
Eyes: Appear more open, lids less hooded, puffy eyes resolved
Cheeks: nasal labial folds less prominent
Texture/Tone: tone and texture improved

4 Treatments: Client of Gumtree Wellness ~ Murrumbateman Australia

Jennifer is a Raindrop Practitioner, instructor and Aromatherapist in Murrumbateman, Australia

Photos shown in black and white help show the depth of lines and wrinkles easier in a 2D photo format.

100 % of patients indicated on the Patient Feedback Form that they would recommend this treatment and that they did see an improvement in their face.

98% of patients rated their satisfaction with the outcome as between 8-10 on a scale of 10 (with 10 being extremely pleased).

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