Wellness Education Webinars

We will continue to teach on specific topics to help you take your wellness lifestyle one step further. Usually, people have been struggling in an area of their life and are not getting any answers to those struggles. But they know there has to be a better way to live life. We ourselves have been through that struggle and are here to tell you, there is a better way.

Are you ready to learn how to incorporate natural products into every area of your life so you can 
experience improved WELLNESS to live a vibrant and abundant life!

Home Makeover 
One Room at a Time
Welcome to The Oily Home Makeover class - I am so glad you’re here! 

I can’t wait to share some ways to help you safeguard your home. So many products are marketed to us as safe but are actually much more harmful than we think. Tonight we will walk through every room in the house and dig a little deeper. Are you ready?

Fun In The Sun

Who is ready for some time in the sun?

I know I sure am. It has been way too long since I have spent time without shoes and a jacket. But with the sun comes being hot and sticky, the possibility of a heat stroke, sunburns, sun allergies, chlorinated pools, being a sweaty mess, etc. Then comes the bugs – mosquitoes, ticks, flies, wasps. If you love the outdoors and love hiking, you might run into some poison ivy as well. That is a lot to deal with for just a few short months of summer we have here in Canada. So, we want to make sure you make the most of it. 

We’ve got you covered with the summer staples you need to grab NOW for those perfect sunny days ahead!