I was hesitant and skeptical of the choice in front of me seven years ago. We were looking for answers to a health issues. Was this just another product? Would I just be spending more money on a product that would not work? After much discussion with my husband (because I like to talk things over and over from every angle), we signed up for an account and placed our first order. Partnering with Young Living was the best decision we made and we quickly learned that Young Living Essential Oils was more than JUST an essential oil company. It was a total wellness company that helps their members GROW in learning how to support health and wellness in all areas of life – physical, emotional, and financial wellness. And there is no better time then now to start making simple changes in your life to find wellness in all areas.
You are probably thinking, how much is this going to cost me? I cannot spend more money! Well I am here to tell you it is not about spending more, but switching where you spend your money and see results. I have saved so much money on my everyday spending because I am not buying products that mask the issue, expire before they get used, work for a while but then stop or just don't work. We will help you slowly switch from the products you are currently using that you many not even know are harming your health, to ones that support your body to function properly and save you money doing it.
I am so excited that you are ready to GROW! Grow is defined as undergo natural development by increasing in size and changing physically, progress to maturity. My goal is to educate you on the basic steps to taking charge of your health and wellness and encourage you to take the NEXT STEP. I am here to guide you on your wellness journey.
As with any information, if you don’t read it, it just sits in cyberspace and doesn’t help you to grow. If you read the information but don’t follow through, then little growth will occur. Kind of like having a garden, but never watering or weeding it (we never do that 😉). Not much of a garden to harvest. We at Sp’Oil Yourself Canada are excited to see what your harvest will look like after 90, 120 or more days of Wellness Education and Action.
Ask yourself the following 3 Questions:
1. Am I ready to take control of my own health?
2. Am I ready to learn more about health and wellness?
3. Am I ready to put what I learn into action and commit to the next 90 Days?
If the answer to those questions is “YES!” then know that I will do my part in helping you reach your goals.
Follow along with the upcoming blog posts learn what your next ACTION item will be. The action part is the doing part and it is amazing to see how our lives change when we put what we learn into ACTION. I believe we all know these things and just need to be reminded and encouraged to trust those instincts.
1. Take my Wellness Quiz and I will provide you with a 90-Day Wellness Plan you can put into action.
2. Set a 15-minute consultation with me. I am here to support all your questions and work with you to improve you health on a daily basis. You are the one in control of the path you take, and I want you to be comfortable with your choices. Reach out to me and we can talk in further detail.
Rhonda Richter
Sp’Oil Yourself Canada Team
Brand Partner with Young Living Essential Oils
Member # 1818156